Yesterday I had my 34-weeks appointment with the midwife. Alhamdulillah everything is fine; my blood pressure's normal, baby's heart beat is fine, uterus growth is spot on (34cm = 34 weeks) and the urine test turned out ok.
I've written before about my anxieties, but I suppose my main concern is that, I'm pregnant for the very 1st time, and I'm away from home, and guess what I'm going to take care of the baby (and myself) without help from Mak or Mok (my mother-in-law) after the birth during confinement period (as we called 'waktu berpantang'). Both of us (me & my husband) know this is going to be very challenging, but we both agreed this is another process of maturity; becoming parents.
I'm not sure about other countries, but here in the UK everything is paid for by National Health Service (NHS). From consultation to prescriptions, from conception until birth, everything is free of charge. For us, oversea students with limited fund, this is very helpful. The procedures and services provided are presumably different from Malaysia; UK being a developed country therefore has better health service than any developing nations.
What strikes to me as different here is that all mothers-to-be have to prepare Birth Plan and this Birth Plan will be discussed with the midwife, of course before the birth take place. I've discussed mine during my appointment with the midwife yesterday and Alhamdulillah everything is in place.
Lately, I've been writing a lot about my pregnancy. I hope I didn't bore you in any way, but if I did, do accept my deepest apology. When you're happy+nervous+worried+overwhelmed, I guess by writing about those feelings will help to ease everything down. :)