Yesterday I had my 34-weeks appointment with the midwife. Alhamdulillah everything is fine; my blood pressure's normal, baby's heart beat is fine, uterus growth is spot on (34cm = 34 weeks) and the urine test turned out ok.
I've written before about my anxieties, but I suppose my main concern is that, I'm pregnant for the very 1st time, and I'm away from home, and guess what I'm going to take care of the baby (and myself) without help from Mak or Mok (my mother-in-law) after the birth during confinement period (as we called 'waktu berpantang'). Both of us (me & my husband) know this is going to be very challenging, but we both agreed this is another process of maturity; becoming parents.
I'm not sure about other countries, but here in the UK everything is paid for by National Health Service (NHS). From consultation to prescriptions, from conception until birth, everything is free of charge. For us, oversea students with limited fund, this is very helpful. The procedures and services provided are presumably different from Malaysia; UK being a developed country therefore has better health service than any developing nations.
What strikes to me as different here is that all mothers-to-be have to prepare Birth Plan and this Birth Plan will be discussed with the midwife, of course before the birth take place. I've discussed mine during my appointment with the midwife yesterday and Alhamdulillah everything is in place.
Lately, I've been writing a lot about my pregnancy. I hope I didn't bore you in any way, but if I did, do accept my deepest apology. When you're happy+nervous+worried+overwhelmed, I guess by writing about those feelings will help to ease everything down. :)
Good move...better come prepared kan??FYI, kat Mesia pun deal ngan nurse (midwife).. doctor sometimes.. tapi all troughout the pregnancy memang ngan nurse..both private n government clinics...even after pregnancy pun midwife datang rumah -home visit.. System Mesia sama ngan UK coz nurses are trained using the same module...(semua kisah post colonisation)...
ehh..lupa tak nama plak (previous comment).. Yani.
hmm.. apa2 roger2la ye.. I am your closest me if you need my help...
Da beli hotwater bottle? It is important ganti tungku...tapi kalau your midwife tak cakap apa2 tak yah kot.. like you said 'don't believe in other mum ,kan?'
Yang penting keep yourself warm... tu je petua from 'the other mum'....
thanks for the info. bercite psl msia tu based on my mom's experience. :) wonder..alhamdulillah my post natal treatment was great, and the midwife did has house visit both in KL and A.Star..tapi kena pergi inform the clinic of that we have just give birth..
BTW, last time Sue (mana lagi) told me taht she requeted for cassette/cd player when she had, nak bersalin tu sambil dengar alunan can try and ask the hosp.. tak berapa lama lagi tu..
One more, please do call kalau da rasa contraction..if you need me to be near you..takut Dr Sepet panic, madamteacher sakit..apa2 pun tak jalan.. my offer stand 24/7.. maybe that time my mom is around.. at least ada org tua with added bonus, she was a nurse with midwifery and public health b/ground..and now teaching new nurses in Malaysia..(promote plak).. so, no worries..
Best wishes..
Ibu ayul
thanks a lot yani.. really need the support. jauh dr keluarge la katekan. anyway, psl hot bottle tu, mmg ade terpk nk beli memandangkan nk carik batu tungku susah kt sini.
locum kt sini bknnye paham petua2 ni, that's why die ckp jgn percaye other mothers.
hopefully everything is going to be fine, and hopefully dr sepet x panik. hehehhee..
can't wait!
wahhh i am so impressed by ur birth plan! hehe..waktu lahir faris ni x buat pun buat birth plan..tapi maybe sebab dah planned caesarian kot :)
hope everything goes well...and i know this sounds very, very cliche, but do rest/sleep as much as possible now.
if u need any help, feel free to call/msg/text ek..
hi uda,
am so happy that you are well and embracing motherhood superbly..the plan looks great and insya allah you're in good hands..
bestnye semua free.. :)
take care! salam to hubby from us.
kak suhana, abg kerol n tia
ehem2, nih yg x sabar nk kawin nih, byk bibik2 boleh tulun..=P ibu huda kena bgtau tau kalau apa2, kasik dr sepet number kitorg sume. hehe..=)
kak huda,ni ada link abt waterbirth dt i think interesting n useful enough cz its a sharing from a Malay lady.Jarang nk jumpa sharing of experience abt waterbirth from org kita kn? check laa link ni e?
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