Saturday, May 30, 2009

BBQ @ summer in Oxford

My family is here. The whole family. Izad just graduated from Colorado School of Mines, and decided to take a detour before going back to Malaysia. My parents and sisters are here for approx 15 days to see our place, and of course to hold their 1st grand daughter for the 1st time.

We've been planning to have a BBQ since we have the space to do so. We've invited some close friends over to join our small gathering.

I suppose there's no word to describe my feelings right now. Content, happy, and blessed. Alhamdulillah.

Mak, Izad, Ana & Abg Hisyam


Me & Mak

The daughter & the father

1 comment:

fazilah:g said...

Bestnya wehhh... :)