Monday, May 25, 2009

Allotment Kak Tik@Wolfson College

Saiful came to visit on Saturday, and Kak Tik & Bro Din invited us all to their house. Had a lovely 'nasi kerabu' (mind you, I had seconds, as usual!) and Kak Tik took us to her allotment. She's very passionate about DIY gardening and she knows a lot about what and how to plant. I took some photos for our future references... (hehe, we've started our own gardening too, more stories here)




Kak Tik

Took some photos around Wolfson College. Ah.. I love spring/summer.


bokbon said...

Wah..pelari jarak jauh pun ada juga ye..mawaddah makin comel pulak rasanya, hehehe!

K Tik said...

Huda, kat bwh nih pasal allotment information and diary month by month. :)

sarroung said...

wowww.. teruja nya aku tengok kebun Kak Tik tu.. dan jugak kebun ko Uderque.. bagus2, teruskan usaha! *^_^*