Assalamualaikum wbt.
Minggu lalu, salah seorang anak murid saya bertanyakan pendapat tentang biasiswa PNB. Nasihat saya, kalau dapat biasiswa bagus lah. Ada jaminan kerja (Insya-Allah) dan yang lebih baik, tak perlu pening kepala bayar balik pinjaman.
Saya teringat salah satu 'entry' dalam blog suami tentang komen beliau di atas cadangan MB Selangor membuka kuota 10% kepada pelajar bukan bumiputera menuntut di UiTM. Begitu banyak tentangan, antaranya mempersoalkan tentang hak keistimewaan bumiputera. Namun seperti yang dinyatakan oleh suami, ada baiknya kuota 10% itu untuk mewujudkan persaingan sihat di kalangan penuntut IPTA di Malaysia sama seperti IPTA lain. Apa yang lebih penting, pemberian biasiswa kepada pelajar bumiputera perlu dipertingkatkan memandangkan kebanyakan pelajar bumiputera datang dari keluarga berpendapatan sederhana dan ramai juga dari golongan yang kurang berkemampuan.
Terkenang kembali semasa menuntut di UTM Skudai suatu masa dulu, pada ketika itu skim pinjaman PTPTN baru diperkenalkan. Boleh dikatakan hampir 90% rakan sekelas mengambil pinjaman tersebut, kecuali saya dan beberapa rakan lain. Pada awalnya, memang niat di hati nak memohon pinjaman yang sama, namun Ayah menegah. Katanya, kalau biasiswa baru terima. Alhamdulillah, berkat penantian selama 3 bulan, saya berjaya mendapat biasiswa dari JPA dari peringkat diploma hingga tamat ijazah pertama. Mungkin ramai yang berkata, bukan semua yang layak dapat biasiswa (berdasarkan keputusan SPM). Namun, saya merasakan badan-badan kerajaan dan badan berkanun seharusnya memainkan peranan yang lebih baik dalam memberikan biasiswa kepada pelajar bumiputera khususnya. Walau bagaimanapun, bagi pihak kerajaan pula bagi memastikan biasiswa yang diberikan dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya, beberapa syarat (seperti mengekalkan keputusan baik sepanjang pengajian, mempunyai rekod displin yang baik, dsb) perlu ditetapkan supaya pelajar-pelajar tidak mengambil mudah bantuan kewangan yang diberikan.
Saya sebenarnya ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada anak murid saya yang terpilih menerima biasiswa untuk pengajian ijazah pertama di UTM Skudai. Semoga bantuan yang diberikan digunakan sebaik-baiknya untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga.
Penerima biasiswa JPA - Mohd Najmuddin bin Nawi
Penerima biasiswa PNB - Abd Hafiz bin Abd Razak, Muhd Akmal bin Ahmad, Zulkhairi bin Kidam
Kepada yang lain-lain, saya sentiasa mendoakan kejayaan anda semua (Insya-Allah). Saya harap anda semua turut mendoakan kejayaan saya dan suami. AMIN.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wahai Supervisor ku
En J,
Hari ini saya sangat sedih.
Kenapa? Kerana semangat saya sudah semakin letih.
Kenapa? Sebab En J tersangatlah memilih.
Hari ini saya penat.
Kenapa? Kerana semangat saya pun semacam semakin tenat.
Kenapa? Sebab En J cerewet yang amat.
Hari ini saya menangis.
Kenapa? Kerana semangat saya semakin terhakis.
Kenapa? Sebab tiap kali bersemuka dengan En J, hati saya terguris.
Tapi, hari ini juga saya sedar.
Setiap dugaan, ada hikmahnya.
Tabahkan hati, tetapkan jiwa.
Hari ini saya bertekad.
Buat suami, keluarga yang berharap sangat.
Supaya hati ini tidak mudah patah semangat.
Nota : 'Entry' ini sempene hari aku yg agak gelap semlm. Siap ade hujan air mate skali. Mujur Alhamdulillah, ade org tenangkan perasaan tension ni. TQ abang, ayah n mak...
Hari ini saya sangat sedih.
Kenapa? Kerana semangat saya sudah semakin letih.
Kenapa? Sebab En J tersangatlah memilih.
Hari ini saya penat.
Kenapa? Kerana semangat saya pun semacam semakin tenat.
Kenapa? Sebab En J cerewet yang amat.
Hari ini saya menangis.
Kenapa? Kerana semangat saya semakin terhakis.
Kenapa? Sebab tiap kali bersemuka dengan En J, hati saya terguris.
Tapi, hari ini juga saya sedar.
Setiap dugaan, ada hikmahnya.
Tabahkan hati, tetapkan jiwa.
Hari ini saya bertekad.
Buat suami, keluarga yang berharap sangat.
Supaya hati ini tidak mudah patah semangat.
Nota : 'Entry' ini sempene hari aku yg agak gelap semlm. Siap ade hujan air mate skali. Mujur Alhamdulillah, ade org tenangkan perasaan tension ni. TQ abang, ayah n mak...
Monday, October 13, 2008
My Atok Bak
Assalamualaikum wbt
I have such wonderful grandparents both from my Mak & Ayah's sides; however, I hardly had the chance to see my Tok Wan & Tok (Mak's parents) often as Mak's hometown is in Ayer Itam, Kedah and Ayah's in Pontian, Johor (yup, I've riden from Bkt Kayu Hitam up north to Johor Bahru down south and I once can even name all the R&R in PLUS highway, how freaky is that?!). The best memories that I had with both my late Tok Wan & Tok, was when Mak & Ayah were away in Makkah to perform Hajj back in 1990. Tok Wan was originally from Siak, North Sumatera and he came to Kedah to pursue his dream of a better life. With only 25 rupiah in his pocket, he worked his hardest in paddy fields and attended local religious school (sekolah pondok) at the same time. Through hardship and perseverence, he managed to own a mini-market and even bought few 'relung' of paddy fields. Tok was the only grandmother I've known as Mak's biological mother passed away years before due to child birth, but Tok was never a 'stepmother' to Mak.
As for Ayah's parents, Tok Bak & Tok Mak have been always the closer grandparents as they occasionally come to KL (once in one or two months) for visits, but as both of them got older, Ayah advised them not to take the bus from Pontian to Puduraya anymore, instead we'll visit them in Pontian. Tok Bak is a retired policeman, and Tok Mak is a full-time housewife. Tok Bak is a strict father but a very jovial grandfather. He even taught us simple mathematics when we were young and used to tell us horror stories during our nights in Pontian. Tok Mak is such a loving grandmother to her (almost) 40 grandchildren. She will laugh to all Ayah's slapstick jokes even no one else might not find them funny at all (no offense Ayah, :)).
I've lost Tok Wan & Tok years ago, and still I miss them. And now, I've lost Tok Bak just 2 days ago due to breathing complication and old age. I received a phone call from Mak (crying at the other end, as Tok Bak was the only father that she still have) at 6.07am (UK time) informing me a rather bad news about Tok Bak. I cried (still am while writing this entry) instantenously when I heard the news, but deep down I knew it was already the time for him to go as he gradually became more and more ill each day.
I pray to Allah to grant Tok Bak forgiveness and better life in hereafter. Tok Bak, you'll always be loved and remembered by us as long as we shall live.

I have such wonderful grandparents both from my Mak & Ayah's sides; however, I hardly had the chance to see my Tok Wan & Tok (Mak's parents) often as Mak's hometown is in Ayer Itam, Kedah and Ayah's in Pontian, Johor (yup, I've riden from Bkt Kayu Hitam up north to Johor Bahru down south and I once can even name all the R&R in PLUS highway, how freaky is that?!). The best memories that I had with both my late Tok Wan & Tok, was when Mak & Ayah were away in Makkah to perform Hajj back in 1990. Tok Wan was originally from Siak, North Sumatera and he came to Kedah to pursue his dream of a better life. With only 25 rupiah in his pocket, he worked his hardest in paddy fields and attended local religious school (sekolah pondok) at the same time. Through hardship and perseverence, he managed to own a mini-market and even bought few 'relung' of paddy fields. Tok was the only grandmother I've known as Mak's biological mother passed away years before due to child birth, but Tok was never a 'stepmother' to Mak.
As for Ayah's parents, Tok Bak & Tok Mak have been always the closer grandparents as they occasionally come to KL (once in one or two months) for visits, but as both of them got older, Ayah advised them not to take the bus from Pontian to Puduraya anymore, instead we'll visit them in Pontian. Tok Bak is a retired policeman, and Tok Mak is a full-time housewife. Tok Bak is a strict father but a very jovial grandfather. He even taught us simple mathematics when we were young and used to tell us horror stories during our nights in Pontian. Tok Mak is such a loving grandmother to her (almost) 40 grandchildren. She will laugh to all Ayah's slapstick jokes even no one else might not find them funny at all (no offense Ayah, :)).
I've lost Tok Wan & Tok years ago, and still I miss them. And now, I've lost Tok Bak just 2 days ago due to breathing complication and old age. I received a phone call from Mak (crying at the other end, as Tok Bak was the only father that she still have) at 6.07am (UK time) informing me a rather bad news about Tok Bak. I cried (still am while writing this entry) instantenously when I heard the news, but deep down I knew it was already the time for him to go as he gradually became more and more ill each day.
I pray to Allah to grant Tok Bak forgiveness and better life in hereafter. Tok Bak, you'll always be loved and remembered by us as long as we shall live.

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