Monday, April 20, 2009

Black sheep

"Black sheep is an English language idiom which describes an odd or disreputable member of a group, especially within one's family. The term has typically been given negative implications, implying waywardness. It derived from the untypical and unwanted presence of black woolled individuals in herds of sheep, which was undesirable because wool from such sheep could not be dyed."

"A worthless or disgraced member of a family."

It sounded so demeaning, and I never like the idea. However, there's always the case where in any family, there's always someone who is the 'under-achiever', the 'outcast' if you like, and this person could turn out to be 'the disgraced member of a family' or totally the opposite.

I would like to think that it is a matter how parents and the other siblings deal with this kind of situation, without prejudice and denying one's right to be treated equally as others in the family. The same treatment, the equal opportunity to become the best that one could be.

However, it's easier to be said than to be done. In reality, nobody's the same which means no treatment would be equally the same. All parents want the best for their children, no matter what. At the same time, parents are still normal human beings, who make mistakes once a while.

To make things work for the family, I suppose that each and everyone should make some sort of compromising. The parents should accept the fact that no child is the same and the child should think what's best for the family and him/herself.

Then again, this is just my humble opinion, which subject to any comment and discretion. This is just me, being emotional, as always. :)

1 comment:

Dr. Sepet said...

ba--ba--black sheep..bal..bla..bla..

Saya mahu melihat dan kalau mampu nak memastikan semua adik beradik saya berjaya, dalam pelajaran, karier, dan hidup masing-masing.

Kegagalan membantu atau mendidik seorang ahli keluarga kita, bukan sahaja kegagalan dia sendiri, malahan ia juga kegagalan semua ahli keluarga.

Saya akan cuba mainkan peranan sebagai abang, begitu jugalah dengan ibubapa saya, dan paling penting diri individu itu sendiri perlu berperanan dan wujudkan sikap yang positif dalam diri untuk maju dan berjaya.

A good article as usual!