Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Assalamualaikum wbt.

It has been a while since my last entry. Been busy; coping with a long pregnancy, moving to a new house, and well, 'malas sebenarnye'. As some of you might know, I've safely delivered a beautiful (Masya-Allah) baby girl on the 4th of February at 11.49am in John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, after a long 14-hour labour. If any of you ask me, "sakit x beranak?" and I'll honestly say, "Ye, teramat la sakit, tp trust me, sumenye berbaloi.."

The pain and agony of giving birth, has taught me a lot, but the most valuable lesson that I've learned having gone through the process myself, is that I can't never reward my mother enough even with all the money, energy and time that I could ever have. "Kasihkan ibu membawa ke syurga." Mak, terima kasih kerana melahirkan, membesarkan dan didikanmu. Kesabaranmu tidak terbalas. Huda sayang Mak.

Sorry for being rather emotional. It's just that, I'm missing my mother, a lot.

Mawaddah is 1 week old now. She sleeps through the day, wakes up occasionally for feeding and nappy changing. And without fail so far wakes up at 1.30am and again at 4.30am. She's quite a challenge, but Alhamdulillah, she's content for most of the time. Senang jage dan x byk karenah.

I have some of her latest photos, but I'm too lazy to transfer them from my handphone to my laptop. Perhaps some other time. If you're interested, please visit my husband's blog. I would like to express my gratitude to all who visited us both at the hospital and home (Kak Tik, Abg Din, Kak Rozi, Abg Wan, Kat, Amin, Yani, Abg Rosli, Kak Non sekeluarga, Umi, Asean). Thank you to all who have helped us move to our new house (Kak Tik, Abg Din, Zul, Saiful, Asean & Yani) and on personal note, terima kasih yg x terhingge utk Kak Tik & Abg Din di atas sokongan & bantuan yg diberikan. Hanya Allah saja yang mampu membalas jasa kalian semua.

Until my next entry. Assalamualaikum.


Anonymous said...

gila la...ur a mother now!
teringat lak masa kita kecik2 dlu,
gambar yg ko pegang bunga,
aku nak nangis atas bench...
kat france kan?
masa mmg blalu dgn pantas...

k3na said...

ntah kenapa this entry pun makes me a bit emotional. i too think we can never reward our mothers enough...

Anonymous said...

congrates Uderq! :)

Anonymous said...

congrats uderq! aku sgt suke nama anak ko k.
14 hours of labor (huwaaaaaa!), but i'm sure it's all worth it. take good care of yourself esp takde org nak marah2 masa berpantang tu.

Anonymous said...

tahniah kak huda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dazzling 948 said...

can't wait nak jupe Mawaddah...
take care tau....

bokbon said...

saya mewakili budak-budak nakal tahun 3ddq utmkl sekarang ni,mengucapkan tahniah diatas penambahan lagi seorang umat nabi muhammad kat atas muka bumi ni. tak terlambat lagi rasanya.

selamat menjadi ibu,lepas ni boleh la sambut hari ibu ye. heh.

FIkaKamal said...

congrats uderq!! mawaddah is so lovely.. hugs n kisses from aunty syiq :) selamat berpantang..

Suhana said...

welcome to mumy club :)