Suatu amanah, anugerah Ilahi Rasa kasih sayang yang tak berbelah bagi Semenjak dalam kandungan lagi Alunan Al-Quran didendang dari hari ke hari Alhamdulillah, akhirnya dia lahir ke dunia Sihat, sempurna, sejahtera Hadiah berharga buat Ayah & Ibu berdua Penyambung zuriat, penyeri rumahtangga
Syukur dipanjat kepada Allah Atas kurniaan rezeki & anugerah Seorang anak bernama Mawaddah Lambang cinta kasih Ibu & Ayah Nota : Dalam 'mood' sentimental. Hasil karya secara spontan, namun lahir dari jiwa & raga, ikhlas dari seorang ibu.
Ingatkan nak menulis tentang anak, tapi nak tunggu ade idea dulu. Sekarang ni tgh 'cuti' berpantang walaupun sebenar2nye dh lame ber'cuti' dari buat keje research. Rase bersalah sebenarnye tapi penyakit MALAS tu masih kuat lagi. Moge2 dgn kedatangan ahli baru ni membawa semangat baru. Almaklum la, tanggungjawab dh makin besar skrg. "Sorry ye bang, Huda jd pemalas sgt.. :)"
Dalam mengisi mase lapang, cube 'catch-up' balik dgn drama2 melayu kt, antarenye SpaQ 2, Kasanova XXL, Fara S3 & Pemanduku Jutawan. 4 drama bersiri ni different genre, which undeniably ade yg agak 'lame', tapi rase rindu nak tgk drama melayu punye la kuat jadi daku layankan aje.
SpaQ mmg aku follow mase kt Msia dulu. SpaQ 2 ni mule2 mcm boring, so aku mule tgk bile dh episod 30. Well, it is fairly predictable, so I'm not worried if I missed some of the episodes (then again, you can always watch them online). Same old, same old; excessive make-up, revealing wardrobe, betrayal, board meetings, etc. Aku paling suke watak Qistina dan Norish Karman mmg sesuai dgn watak tu. Aku x bape suke Azizah Mahzan bwk watak Marlia sbb care die berckp mcm tak bape terang, mcm tergagap2 skit. Plus the fact that rambut die sgt la keras, ok.. Aku ade la sedikit menyampah tgk artis2 melayu wanita ni pakai mmg x igt akhirat punye, but then again what can you expect from them? However on a more positive note, it's good that they've included something about family values; bagaimane kecewanye ibu bile satu2nye anak lelaki die x percayekan die. Itu aku puji.
Yang ni plak komedi. Mule2 aku x minat nk tgk tp dah boring sgt, aku cube2 la. Skali tu mcm best la plak. Based on the title, you can guess what the story is all about. Lelaki yg 'obese', low self esteem, kaki chatting and guess what, pretending to be someone he's not. So predictable. Yg best tu die menyamar jd abg die. Pelakon Shaheizy Sam yg semmgnye x 'obese' telah digemukkan dgn sgtla budgetnye ala2 Erra Fazira dlm Cinta Kolestrol (maybe David Teo spent a little more, if I got the wrong producer so sorry ah Uncle David!). Well skrg cite ni dh smpi part yg mane mamat 'obese' ni kene diet dgn bantuan abg die (lakonan Rusdi Ramli) and awek abg die (lakonan Nanu). Aku suke cite ni sbb lakonan dieorg sume mmg bersahaje, mmg real mcm adek beradek. Cume aku x bape setuju on the idea of lelaki gemuk susah nk dpt awek. Dah kalau taste ko ppuan kurus ramping mmg la susah. Pokok pangkalnye, kene realistic la. Aku rase ppuan gemuk (ehem.. aku termasok la tu) lagi susah nk dpt pakwe, sbb kalau die nk mulekan, pastu skali kene reject lagi malu. (Emo la plak, mcm ade pengalaman jek.. cite lame, x perlu dikenang ye x?). Anyway, aku akan follow cite ni smpi habis, walaupun sebenarnye aku dh bole agak ending die camne.
Fara ni dh masok siri ketiga pon. Cume kali ni jadi makin serius. Ade cintun2 skit. Dah abis dah pon siri 3 ni, can't wait for the next series.
Sekali lg sitcom yang menampilkan DJ radio sbg pelakon utama. Honestly, Fara Fauzana is much much better than Faizal. Tp mcm aku ckp seblm ni, layankan aje. Siri ni kalau x tgk sume episod xpe, sbb antare episod xde kaitan sgt. Personally, aku rase cite agak boring, sbb tu aku x tgk sume episod. Sekadar menghilangkan rase rindu dgr org ckp bahase melayu. Tu jek.
Okla, entry kali ni sgt la kelam kabut, dr segi penggunaan bahase. Carca merba. Mcm air batu campur. Sorry ye kpd pakar2 & pencinta2 bahase.
It has been a while since my last entry. Been busy; coping with a long pregnancy, moving to a new house, and well, 'malas sebenarnye'. As some of you might know, I've safely delivered a beautiful (Masya-Allah) baby girl on the 4th of February at 11.49am in John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, after a long 14-hour labour. If any of you ask me, "sakit x beranak?" and I'll honestly say, "Ye, teramat la sakit, tp trust me, sumenye berbaloi.."
The pain and agony of giving birth, has taught me a lot, but the most valuable lesson that I've learned having gone through the process myself, is that I can't never reward my mother enough even with all the money, energy and time that I could ever have. "Kasihkan ibu membawa ke syurga." Mak, terima kasih kerana melahirkan, membesarkan dan didikanmu. Kesabaranmu tidak terbalas. Huda sayang Mak.
Sorry for being rather emotional. It's just that, I'm missing my mother, a lot.
Mawaddah is 1 week old now. She sleeps through the day, wakes up occasionally for feeding and nappy changing. And without fail so far wakes up at 1.30am and again at 4.30am. She's quite a challenge, but Alhamdulillah, she's content for most of the time. Senang jage dan x byk karenah.
I have some of her latest photos, but I'm too lazy to transfer them from my handphone to my laptop. Perhaps some other time. If you're interested, please visit my husband's blog. I would like to express my gratitude to all who visited us both at the hospital and home (Kak Tik, Abg Din, Kak Rozi, Abg Wan, Kat, Amin, Yani, Abg Rosli, Kak Non sekeluarga, Umi, Asean). Thank you to all who have helped us move to our new house (Kak Tik, Abg Din, Zul, Saiful, Asean & Yani) and on personal note, terima kasih yg x terhingge utk Kak Tik & Abg Din di atas sokongan & bantuan yg diberikan. Hanya Allah saja yang mampu membalas jasa kalian semua.